Project coordinator
Joanna Young
Hanko, Finland
Virtual Mobility 3
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Virtual Mobility 3
9-13 December 2021
The aesthetics in learning/Learning and sharing student traditions
Because of the covid-19 situation still not being resolved, we decided to have a third virtual mobility to let the new students meet each other online before our first "real" mobility in Portugal, which was now looking very likely in the spring. One of the ideas was to prepare for the exchange in Portugal, but there were also direct project activities to take place.
We met on Meet for three days with workshops and presentations. We started with a general introduction. After this the students were divided into internationally mixed groups and each group had their task to solve. The aesthetics of learning involved:
Group 1-2 created postcards/presentations on innovative teaching practices from each school that they found inspiring.
Group 3 had gathered garbage for some days in advance. First they had a lecture from Austria on recycling and art and then they analysed what they had found together and thereafter they created their own collages and art from their garbage.
Group 4 shared how they had organised recycling in their respective schools, comparing their practices and taking ideas from each other, also creating a presentation on their findings and comparison.
Group 5 created presentations on their own local areas, traditions and cultures, what you should know about each partners home area.
Group 6 created Christmas cards together online, being influenced by each other's Christmas traditions.
All the groups worked independently, making their own decisions without too strict guidance from teachers, choosing a chairman among the students.
On the last day each group had created final presentations on their work that they presented to the others, and to the teachers. Every partner also shared a creative Christmas greeting. You can find some examples of this here to the left.
At the end of the mobility all the students completed a survey.
Find some examples of material created during this mobility to the left.